The platform Tanzania Trade Portal which was
launched on 08th July, 2021 provides detailed information on the procedures for
import and export
of specific commodities. Through the portal, users will find out which
procedures they must complete; learn exactly how to obtain preliminary licences
and registrations, mandatory permits and certificates; as well as how to have
goods processed and cleared by the Customs Administration. Trade procedures are
presented in a sequential and step-by-step manner, with each step containing
the relevant information on the following 9 elements:
Where to go: the entity, unit and person in
charge and also the link if a procedure or step is online
What you will get:
result(s) of the step
iii. Who to see:
entity/unit/officer in charge, with contact information
iv. What to bring:
requirements (forms and documents)
What to pay: costs
(duties and taxes & fees and charges)
vi. How long it takes:
duration in the queue, at the counter and in between steps
Why it is necessary:
legal justification for each step
viii. Who to complain to: recourse
in charge of attending complaints, with contact data
Authority certifying
the information is correct
The Trade
Portal provides information on full trade procedures through different
corridors, including via shipping ports, airports and entry/exit-points. To
date, trade procedures through five (5) corridors have been published. By
design, the Trade Portal is intended to provide step-by-step procedures for
specific commodities. Since the establishment of the Trade Portal in 2017, a
total of 328 procedures was published with 1536 steps and 131 legal documents, Around 995 forms and requirements, Close to 239 civil
servants with contact details and approximately Up to 1677 visits a weekly have been
published and can be viewed using the search bar on the Home Page. To improve
the portal for more availability of information Trade
Development Authority (TanTrade) shall continuously grow
the number of procedures and commodities on the Trade Portal.
The trade
portal demo
video presents an overview and its functionalities
Export means to take or cause goods to be
taken out of partner states. All Exports are free of duty and taxes except for three
- Raw hides and skins are chargeable to export levy at the rate of
80% of FOB value or USD 0.52 per kg, depending on whichever is greater.
- Raw cashew nuts are chargeable to export levy at the rate of 15% of
FOB value or USD 160 per metric ton, depending on whichever is higher.
- Wet blue leather is levied at the rate of 10% on FOB.